Skype Joins Forces with the Evil Empire!
Does this mean the end of Skype’s free phone service? Why is Verizon handing its users something they’d never expect – Skype! Is it just another one of those catch-filled ploys to get people to switch over or buy a phone?
Skype, the formerly Swedish-based company that was founded in 2003, is a computer software application that enables users to make phone calls over the Internet. The application is free just as long as users call computer-to-computer – however, if one were to call a cell phone or landline, there would be varying, yet still reasonable, fees. eBay purchased the booming startup in 2005 for $2.6 billion, and has propelled its user-ship to over 520 million worldwide.
Although, Skype service has been offered free on the iPhone for over a year using wifi. Starting in March 2010, Verizon will offer Skype as a perk in nine of their 3G smartphones – including the Blackberry Storm 9530, Storm2 9550, Curve 8330, Curve 8530, 8830 World Edition and Tour 9630, as well as the Motorola Droid, HTC Droid Eris and Motorola Devour, and others down the line.